Xerox has used Print Miracle Expo, the three-day show in Kochi, Kerala that commenced today, to announce the launch of two new digital print machines, Versant 180 and Versant 3100. The two new kit replaced Xerox’s popular Versant 80 and 2100 presses.

The two new presses will have the same speed, but higher duty cycle, a brand new digital front-end (DFE), options for inline finishing and 600 spot modifications that Xerox stated, reduces production cost and improves efficiency.
“We are excited to launch these new digital presses at the Print Miracle Expo 2017. We have a good number of installations of the Versant 80 and 2100 presses in South India including Kerala, and it’s a right place to be launching the new kit,” said R Balaji, executive director for technology, channels and international distributor operations at Xerox India. “Printers in Kerala are now using digital print technology not only for photo-based jobs but also commercial jobs.”
The mid-production presses have the ability to print from 80 to 100 pages per minute on a stock of up to 350gsm. The Versant 180 now capable of a duty-cycle of 7.5-lakh prints per month which the Versant 3100 can print 12.5-lakh prints per month. The EFI Fiery 180 Print Server NX Pro will drive the Versant 180 while the NX Premium will fire 3100’s prints.
The new automation like the new Fiery and automated Color Quality Suite with inline spectrophotometer, Balaji claimed, will achieve a new standard of image quality and will deliver four times more pixel at a blazing speed as well double the capacity to print. “It’s a perfect fit for the Indian print market – productivity and efficiency which will reduce production costs and fuel profitability.”